Our History

With a rich history in policy development & implementation, organisational development, competency alignment, strategy, frameworks and roadmap building for transformation, Dr. Rooksana Rajab founded Resonance Consulting Services in 2007. She recognised the need for consulting partners who understand complex landscapes, systems change, sustainable transformation, and good governance.

The Resonance team specialises in organisational development and systemic change, emphasising human-centred approaches. Some of our projects include:


We create leaders at every level of the organisation through a journey of transformative change.


  • To inspire transformative change in individuals, teams, and organisations.
  • We aim to foster ethical leadership, good governance, and strong relationship intelligence.
  • By cultivating ecosystems of awareness, consciousness, and thriving relationships, we drive productivity and sustainability, ultimately creating a better world.


We facilitate forging stronger relationships, nurturing conscious and flourishing organisations, and empower bold action for a better world through the following values:

  • Trust
  • Authenticity
  • Respect
  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Competency

The Holistic Approach

Our approach is to nurture agility and holistic thinking so that we can help organisations achieve their goals and solve for complex problems through networks that are interrelated and interconnected. The magic lies in recognising the influence of the networks.

Resonating with the “Ripple Effect”

To create sustainable and impactful change, we must first understand the interrelated structures and dynamics that shape our environment and our behaviour within it. By working to transform the underlying systems, we can create a ripple effect that spreads outward and catalyses transformative change from within its core across the entire system.

Our approach

Global Reach

We have worked extensively across the African continent on various impactful projects, including:

  • Addressing gender-based violence in a project funded by the International Financial Corporation.
  • Developing policies and creating safe, inclusive workspaces.
  • Collaborating with national and international stakeholders in the broader education ecosystem to develop a digital platform addressing fragmentation challenges in the education sector.
  • Leading the development of the National Workers Education Framework project for the Human Resource Development Council in the Deputy President’s Office of South Africa.
  • Contributing as part of the technical team planning an African conference focused on initiatives to meet the SDG goals.

Dr. Rooksana Rajab is a widely published author who presents her research and findings regularly on a global stage. Read her latest paper here

Find out how we can help you work towards a stronger tomorrow.