At the heart of every team, organization, or enterprise, regardless of size, is the individual.

We believe that leadership exists at every level, with each employee embodying the potential to lead.

We work with organisational leaders from solo entrepreneurs to C-suite leaders and government ministers to understand what needs to change and provide the tools, expertise and support to get you there. With you, we go on a journey of self-exploration, help you identify the goals to aspire to and guide you to effect the change you want to see. The process is future-focused, purpose-oriented, emphasises a good work life balance and self-belief where all aspects of your life are holistically considered using neuroscience techniques.


What our clients say about Resonance Coaching for Leaders:

After fifteen years at the bank, there are many and rapid changes being introduced, especially with the introduction of new technology, that I have not worked with. This leaves me feeling a bit lost and undervalued. Through the transformative coaching process, I found my confidence again. I learned new ways of understanding and dealing with my roles and responsibilities.  Now, I’m not just fitting into the team—I’m thriving in it, contributing in ways I never thought possible before. Thank you, Resonance, for partnering with me on this journey.

Our Approach

All transformation is change, but not all change is transformation.

Our unique approach uncovers underlying obstacles and transforms mindsets, assisting in the process of systemic change. By starting with you, as the individual, we create a ripple effect that catalyses change across the entire system. Change then happens at the core level of mind and we help you dive below the surface and immerse yourself in self-exploration.

Our coaching then empowers each person in their unique capacity to develop a customised growth plan that considers your own needs of who you want to become, your specific strengths, weaknesses, and development needs. This enables you to achieve your full potential as a leader, no matter your position in the organisation.

Centre ripple (1)

“Just as the ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”

~ The 14th Dalai Lama

At the heart of our logo, three concentric circles tell the story of transformation at every level. The centre represents you—the individual, the core of growth. Surrounding you is your team, the driving force within your organisation. The outer circle encompasses the ecosystem, a reminder that personal and collective development doesn’t happen in isolation but within a dynamic context. Our approach ensures that every layer—personal, team, and environment—is aligned and thriving, empowering you to lead with purpose and vision.



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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Leadership coaching is beneficial for current and aspiring leaders at all levels, including executives, managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and governmental leaders. It helps individuals develop their leadership potential, overcome challenges, and drive organizational success.

    The leadership coaching process begins with an initial assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, and development areas. Based on this assessment, a customized coaching plan is created. Regular sessions are conducted to work on specific goals, with progress monitored and adjusted as needed.

    The duration of a leadership coaching program varies depending on the individual’s goals and needs. Programs can range from a few weeks to months, or in some cases it can last up to a year or more. We work with clients to determine a timeline that ensures meaningful progress and sustainable development.

    Yes, leadership coaching can be tailored to specific industries or roles. We have experience across various sectors and understand the unique challenges and opportunities within different industries. This allows us to provide relevant and practical guidance.

    Getting started is easy! Contact us to schedule an initial consultation where we will discuss your specific needs, challenges, and objectives. From there, we will develop a personalized coaching plan.

    Resources for Leaders