Data and technology are revolutionising the workforce of tomorrow. Are we keeping up?

Author: Rajab, R.
Date of Publication: September 2024

The digitalisation of the economy has brought about immense change to the way work and business is organised and conducted, impacting occupations, professions and related capabilities needed to service the economy efficiently. The change in the organisation of work with subsequent occupational and professional demand undoubtedly has implications for both learning processes that are required and using the technology that is now available. As the face of education continues to change, is the South African education and training system able to meet the needs of such a revolutionised workforce?

A deep dive into governance mechanisms for interoperable digital platforms for work and learning

Authors: Rajab, R. and Ntuli, S.
Date of Publication: June 2023

This paper explores the governance mechanisms of digital platforms that integrate work and learning, focusing on those that facilitate lifelong learning and digital credentialing. It highlights the shift from government-led Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) to platforms developed by private entities, emphasizing the need for research on governance frameworks for these platforms. Through comparative case studies, the study examines existing governance practices globally, offering recommendations for future planning and proposing key principles for effective governance. The paper also suggests areas for further research to enhance the governance of digital platforms amid rapid technological advancements.

Deep collaboration for deep change | Rethinking collaboration in South Africa during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Authors: Whittaker, R; Rajab, R. and Keevy, J.
Date of Publication: April 2021

This paper intends to elicit conversation about some of the potential new and emerging approaches to transforming our education, training, and human development sectors through deep collaboration while we simultaneously seek to manage a transition to virtual and online education that is equitable and universal in its nature. The paper is written during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of extreme stress and disruption which has provided governments, civil society, and professional associations the opportunity for deep reflection and collective vision-setting through interdisciplinary and disintermediated approaches.

While our reflection on the need for change draws on local and international literature, its goal is specifically to catalyse dialogue and create an appreciation for the need for deeper collaboration to effect a change in the South African education system during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In this short paper we argue that it is through building trust and sharing priorities amongst the many stakeholders playing in the education ecosystem that we can move from deep dialogue, once we have achieved the trust required for this, to deep collaboration.

Unlocking The Power Of Data | A review of the state of readiness of the post-school education and training sector in South Africa for enhanced data interoperability

Authors: Rajab, R; Nomvete, S; Manda, M. and Keevy, J.
Date of Publication: 2020

This paper discusses the development of the Post-School Education and Training Collaboration and Learning Opportunities and Utilisation of Data (PSET CLOUD) project in South Africa. Originating from early discussions between JET Education Services and the Manufacturing and Engineering Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) in 2018, the project aims to create a more interoperable data ecosystem for post-school education and training. The collaboration seeks to empower South African citizens to make informed labor market decisions, aligning with national development goals. The paper details the evolution of the project’s theory of change, emphasizing its focus on the end-user, alignment with government strategies, and the role of international advisors. The PSET CLOUD project is positioned as a key initiative to address systemic flaws in the South African education and training system, with a vision to be fully realised by 2024.